Welcome to ng.
I'm Jesus lizard, and I'll help in any way I can.
Newgrounds can be a very confuseing place, it's filled to bursting with spammers, ass holes, pricks, dicks, bitches, and more spammers.'Without help you can easily drown in the swill of the internet, but their are always helping hands.
If you need any advice, or perhaps directions getting around, feel free to talk to me.
Welcome to ng.
I'm Jesus lizard, and I'll help in any way I can.
Newgrounds can be a very confuseing place, it's filled to bursting with spammers, ass holes, pricks, dicks, bitches, and more spammers.'Without help you can easily drown in the swill of the internet, but their are always helping hands.
If you need any advice, or perhaps directions getting around, feel free to talk to me.